Joe Rogan answers everything with #8CrazyTweets

UFC color commentator Joe Rogan stopped by FOX Sports and Twitter on Wednesday to conduct a brief Q&A called '8 Crazy Tweets' where he answered a few off-the-wall questions that enquiring minds needed answered.
Needless to say Rogan was in top form — as always — but with only 140 characters to give his response, he had to be sharper than ever. Check out the questions and answers below:
1. @joerogan, As the driving force behind the Buffer 360, what can Bruce do to top it?
— FOX Sports (@FOXSports) February 13, 2014
"@FOXSports: 1. @joerogan, As the driving force behind the Buffer 360, what can Bruce do to top it?" Sex change and become an octagon girl
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
Rogan was pretty brilliant with his push for the Buffer 360 because the UFC's long time ring announcer certainly gets intense when he's shouting the names of the fighters standing in the Octagon . . . and doing a full spin once upon a time was a pretty epic moment to watch unfold. That said — it's a safe bet no one is ready (or willing) to see Briana Buffer strut around with number signs. Brittney and Arianny, your jobs are safe.
@FOXSports the most entertaining are usually the best overall. I would have to say @RenanBaraoUFC is a strong candidate.
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
There's no doubt the UFC's reigning and defending bantamweight champion Renan Barao is very entertaining. After flattening Eddie Wineland in his last fight, Barao stormed the cage and did the same thing to Urijah Faber at UFC 169 — and this was after 'The California Kid' reeled off four wins in a row in very impressive fashion. As far as his mic skills go, Barao could use a little Chael Sonnen in his repertoire, but as long as he keeps on winning he can just go with the old adage 'speak softly and carry a 33 fight unbeaten streak'.
@FOXSports I'm terrified of dumb questions.
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
Ouch. Fear is never a factor for you, Joe Rogan.
@FOXSports Bill Nye unless I was really drunk.
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
The recent debate between Bill Nye the Science Guy and Creation Museum leader Ken Ham sparked plenty of talk on Twitter, Facebook and every other social network out there, but it appears Rogan could only stomach hanging out with one of them. Although let's be honest — who wouldn't pay to see an inebriated Joe Rogan in a one-on-one interview with Ken Ham? Water into wine, my friends. That's internet gold right there!
@FOXSports @RondaRousey was created by the CIA to get us used to the idea of a woman president by showing a hot chick that can kill you.
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
Is it all true? Was Ronda Rousey really maneuvered into place with dominant wins inside the Octagon with perfect timing for the 2016 elections coming up? Well if you see Rousey campaigning with Hillary Rodham Clinton next year, you'll have all the answers you will ever needed. At least he didn't say his favorite conspiracy theory involved aliens, GSP and his recent disappearance from the Octagon.
@FOXSports Nope. We both love fights unapologetically and we both swear too much. It's a friendship carved into the stars
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
Rogan seems to think Lorenzo Fertitta would be the reigning champion of the inner office UFC tournament. He's got the muscles and the scowl to intimidate most of his opponents, but Joe Silva is no pushover. The longtime UFC matchmaker is awfully scrappy, and he's definitely one guy every fighter will tell you can make you smile or cry by using only his words.
@FOXSports Lorenzo takes it through his enthusiastic use of Mexican supplements and the fact that everyone would be too scared to hit him
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014
Serious question (not a dumb one, promise) — isn't curling just like a bigger version of shuffleboard?
@FOXSports curling because I know how many people also watching worldwide can't belive that dumb shit is actually an Olympic sport.
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 13, 2014