Dominick Cruz takes a shot at Cody Garbrandt and the champion responds

It's been two weeks since Cody Garbrandt dethroned Dominick Cruz to become the UFC bantamweight champion, but it's clear these two rivals aren't finished with each other just yet.
Even before the fight started, Garbrandt said he would offer an immediate rematch because he knew Cruz's hubris would never allow him to accept a defeat but rather look at any loss as a fluke.
So directly after the fight was over, Garbrandt turned his attention towards a rematch and offered Cruz the chance to compete for the title again. Since that time, Garbrandt has offered up the challenge again and Cruz has finally responded.
"He keeps saying I'm at the top and rematch, rematch, rematch. I mean you've got the title, why are you asking to rematch me?" Cruz told TMZ on Thursday night.
"I think you guys know exactly what it means. He knows that I am better than him. He wants the rematch because I'm the only fight that really raises the bar in this division. If you look at TJ Dillashaw, he could take the title from Cody, I promise you. Whenever I come back, I'm fighting for the title. Who it's going to be, I don't know yet."
Cruz didn't put a timeline on his return to action but it didn't take long for Garbrandt to get the message and respond.
The Ohio native took to Twitter after Cruz's interview aired and he responded by giving him one last chance to accept the rematch before he moves onto a different fight with former teammate TJ Dillashaw.
Garbrandt's reference to the "snake's head" is directed at Dillashaw, who lightweight champion Conor McGregor called a "snake in the grass" during filming of "The Ultimate Fighter" just before he left Team Alpha Male.
Whether Garbrandt's first title defense comes against Cruz or Dillashaw, it's clear he has beef to settle with both of them.
As of now, there's still no word on when Garbrandt will compete next although he told FOX Sports he would like to take some time off after fighting four times in 2016.