Cop, Actor, Judoka, Fighter: Nick 'The Sergeant' Hein's crazy life

I got my nickname, 'The Sergeant' because, of course, I was a police sergeant for 11 years. At the end of last year , after my fight in Texas they said, 'You have to decide -- police officer, or your sport.' And they were quite sure that I would choose the police job because it is a safe job. Your family is secure for the rest of your life," he recounts.
"But, I chose the UFC. I quit my job. I am not a police officer anymore. But, I am still 'The Sergeant.' I'm the sergeant for the people. So, better watch out. If I catch you doing something, you know, I'm going to bust you!"
In addition to being a police officer, Hein also acted in the critically acclaimed television comedy series "Diese Kaminskis." Think, "The Office", meets a "Real World" spoof, meets ... I don't know, German, I guess.
"I was an actor before I got my UFC contract. I was in a comedy show, and it aired last year. We are three undertakers and we are three half-brothers, and we don't know nothing about the job," he says with a chuckle.
"My role -- I am the youngest and the dumbest brother. And the funny part about this, all of them were professional actors and I was just being the youngest and the dumbest of those three brothers, naturally."
Hein also plays the most naked of the three brothers, and he appears in all his pixelated glory within minutes of the show's first episode. So, there's that.
He might not have ever gotten to do the show, however, because he was once again faced with another "choose between us or MMA," scenario. Once again, Hein chose MMA.
"When we were about to make the filming, the shooting, it was right in the month I had my UFC fight. So I called them and told them, 'No, I'm not going to attend the show.' My dream was to fight in the UFC," he says.
"Of course, no one understood and they said, 'Then, you're out. We are going to find someone else. You're not George Clooney.' Two weeks after I did this, they called me back and said, 'OK, listen ... first do your fight, but please then attend the show.'"

If you're wondering just how bad a dude Hein is, this is what he did to Drew Dober before the American started dating his sister...true story.
So, Hein got to both fight and act in the show, and he's glad he did. This show even got nominated for the biggest TV prize in Germany. "It did pretty well," he says, proudly.
Perhaps they are both partially right. In any case, Hein has worked hard to become more than just an international level judo competitor and grappler.
He spent his training camp for Lukasz Sajewski in Phuket, Thailand, honing his striking. Being away from home and out of his comfort zone was not easy for the husband and father, but Hein sounds satisfied with the result.
"I trained at Tiger Muay Thai...the guys there are...," he says before trailing off at the memory of brutal training sessions against top kickboxers.
"I would like to sit back and say, 'Yeah, everything was good.' But it was the toughest training camp ever. I couldn't have done more, so I feel calm, and that is a good feeling."
Hein believes that he'll be prepared no matter where his fight Saturday goes. He hasn't over-analyzed the match up, choosing instead to focus on building his own skills.
"I don't really believe in game plans, but in tools," he explains.
"Man , I have a bag full of tools that are sharpened. If it's God's will, I will play them right, on Saturday."
For more from Hein, including how Drew Dober went from being his UFC debut opponent to his brother-in-law ("When I saw the pictures she posted on Facebook, I was like, 'wait a minute, I know this guy.' He was my enemy, my opponent, last year, now he's my brother in law..." yikes!), watch the above UFC video interview. To watch Hein act, watch his German show in the video below. Then, stay with us all day for coverage of UFC Fight Night!