Ultimate Fighting Championship
Ultimate Fighting Championship
Brock Lesnar preaches patriotic message after devastating week of violence
Jul. 10, 2016 4:29 a.m. ET


Brock Lesnar heard the cheers after making a victorious return Saturday night at UFC 200, then he heard some more after delivering a heartfelt message that went way beyond sports and entertainment.
Before he exited the Octagon, Lesnar had some serious words for the fans and people watching around the country — a message that would make John Cena proud.
"One thing I want to do. America: A shout-out to the men in uniform that protect and serve this country, from sea to shining sea," Lesnar said.
"From one white boy to all the nationalities: We got to stand together, people."
Nice job all around.
Loved #BrockLesnar speech after!!!! #UFC200 #TheBeast
— Nikki & Brie (@BellaTwins) July 10, 2016

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