Watch this Serie A star absolutely crush his own son with a two-footed tackle

Alejandro "Papu" Gomez has been one of the revelations of Serie A so far this season. He's been one of the most important pieces of a surprise Atalanta team that are pushing for European qualification, and he's reportedly the target of many bigger clubs' affections following some fantastic performances.
Right now, though, he's on his winter break, recuperating with his family in sunny Dubai. He's making sure to get some quality time in with the kids too, and he posted this incredible video of him absolutely WRECKING his four-year-old son with a perfect two-footed tackle.
Standing at just 5 feet 5 inches, Papu sees this kind of rough treatment all the time. Teams that can't stop the little magician with the ball at his feet often opt to try and bully him out of games, but he's been through the ringer and come out on top time and time again. Now he's passing the knowledge onto his young son through the art of the reckless challenge.
It's beautiful.