Is Talk Of Replacing Slaven Bilic Fair?

West Ham fans are not always the most patient. After six games were now considering removing Slaven Bilic, the manager that led us to our highest premier league points tally ever, only a few points away from champions league qualification. Is it time for change? Or has madness descended?
The Case Against Bilic
Eleven goals in three games is hard to defend. Against Watford it looked like it could be individual errors. But subsequent games against west broom and Southampton have shown that it is systematic, an issue with defending that seems almost ingrained in our playing style under the Croat.
This is not a new issue, but one that has been dogging us for a while now. Even under Allardyce we leaked goals. Bilic has not really addressed this after refusing to sign a first team right back and getting people to fill in. Any defensive signings seen to have been a reactionary basis rather than planned.
People are concerned that by not addressing a problem that existed last season Bilic has shown his hand when it comes to preparation season to season. If he does it now, can he improve? Some fans don’t want to give him time.
The case for Slaven Bilic
We’re taking about a man who took us to our most successful premier league season ever.the first West ham manager to finish a top flight season with a positive goal difference. How can you not give him more time?
Yes that makes it four losses in a row, however one was against City and in my eyes can be ignored. There are not multiple things that need sorting here, just defensive organisation. One that is spotted, our even just improved, our attack is there ready to take advantage.
However much surgery is needed in on the pitch, removing the manager won’t change that. Any new manager would have to bed in and make his changes. Just because we change manager poor defence won’t suddenly become a unit.
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Slaven Bilic wants this job. He will fight to keep it and I have no doubt we will be safe this season. Yes there are some areas of the pitch that need strengthening in the transfer market. But I hope that will be sorted when possible.
To Wrap It Up
Now is not the time to talk about a manager change. If it comes to December and were still in the bottom three then yes. But not now. We’re not even out of September yet.
Also, who do you replace him with? Is there anyone of quality waiting to take over? No. It’s not worth rushing into more upheaval. With the stadium movement changing the manager will only cause more unrest.
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