Witnesses oppose NLRB ruling on college athletes

Witnesses oppose NLRB ruling on college athletes

Published May. 8, 2014 1:57 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON (AP) Baylor University President Ken Starr is voicing strong opposition to a National Labor Relations Board regional director's ruling that college scholarship athletes at Northwestern University are technically employees of the school and thus entitled to collective bargaining rights.

Starr, the former Whitewater prosecutor, told a House committee that it was the wrong way to go.

Starr was on a panel of legal experts that testified before the House Education and Workforce Committee Thursday.

Committee Chairman John Kline, a Minnesota Republican, agreed. He acknowledged problems in college athletics that need to be addressed - but not by allowing athletes to unionize.


The full NLRB is now considering an appeal of the ruling that has been challenged by Northwestern.
