Watch 6th graders perform absolutely mesmerizing synchronized jump rope

Watch 6th graders perform absolutely mesmerizing synchronized jump rope

Published Mar. 28, 2016 5:33 p.m. ET

いよいよ、今年度担当させていただき、かっとび王にチャレンジした6年生が卒業します(^-^)今年も本当に幸せな一年でした!明日の卒業を前に、卒業プロジェクトの『ラストかっとび』を先日行いました。昨年10月31日の決勝から、最近行ったちょっとの練習で、しかも、あの時のレベルで、目指せ4セット!いい目標だ!さぁ〜感動のフィナーレなるかぁ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Posted by 富士市なわとび協会∞ on Friday, March 18, 2016

After an unknown number of takes, this group of Japanese sixth graders with the Fuji Jump Rope Association recently performed an truly impressive athletic feat. It would have taken just one minor hiccup to ruin this.

If Facebook's translation function is working properly, the association posted a note that reads "All of you. Thank you!" to the millions of people who have alraedy marveled at this jump rope brilliance.
