Video of sick boy, 4, singing to Peyton Manning is amazing

Video of sick boy, 4, singing to Peyton Manning is amazing

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 12:25 p.m. ET

Peyton Manning makes a lot of appearances on camera and will even sing a jingle in a commercial, but you may not see a more heartwarming moment than when the Broncos quarterback let someone sing to him.

That someone was a 4-year-old boy who has inoperable tumors in his body, according to the ABC 6 in Knoxville.

Here is the video: 


Here is some more background, according to the report

A four-year-old boy surprised Peyton Manning at the Peyton Manning Classic Golf Tournament.

The tournament is a fundraising event that benefits both East Tennessee Children's Hospital and Manning's PeyBack Foundation. Standing on a table at the Fox Den Golf Course, A.J. Cucksey told Manning, "I think I know your favorite song."

The Knoxville boy broke out into Rocky Top. After the concert Manning gave the 4-year-old a big hug.

Say what you will about Manning's playoff resume and his commercials, this was a classy gesture.

