Trevor Bauer asked to have his bleeding finger Crying Jordaned, so his teammate did the honors
Jun. 30, 2017 6:28 p.m. ET
Trevor Bauer thought he would be able to pitch through a laceration on his pinky finger sustained in a drone accident on Monday, but he wasn’t able to. The stitching ripped open, causing him to bleed everywhere, and he had to be removed from the game.
After the Indians won to stretch their ALCS lead to 3–0, he asked to be memed.
Well, his teammate Jose Ramirez came through (but couldn’t deliver a GIF).
— Jose Ramirez (@MrLapara) October 18, 2016
Not to worry, the good people of Reddit got Trevor Bauer just what he wanted.
Thanks, Reddit.
– Kenny Ducey
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