Tony Romo Gets Slammed By Dallas Stars Twitter Account

It seems like the Dallas Stars are making a run at the LA Kings for best Twitter account of 2013. For some unknown reason the official Dallas Cowboys Twitter account took the following shot at the NHL (and the MLB) . The Tweet, which was deleted shortly thereafter, essentially slammed baseball and NHL in one sarcastic Tweet.
The blindside Tweet was out of the blue, and the Dallas Stars weren't going to let it slide without delivering a knockout blow.
At least our #9 got the job done..... RT:" @dallascowboys Similarly in the category of nobody-cares…the NHL is back!"… — Dallas Stars (@DallasStars) January 8, 2013
Poor Tony Romo, huh? The two teams eventually made up, which is good for the state of Texas.
Apology accepted“@dallascowboys: @dallasstars our sincere apologies for the inappropriate tweet posted accidentally. Good luck this season.” — Dallas Stars (@DallasStars) January 8, 2013
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