Thursday's five for fightin
Just a few personally curated links to tide you over until we find out who know what, and when...
– Might the Cardinals' electronic shenanigans help convince more players that sabermetrics really does matter, and might even help them? Dirk Hayhurst sure thinks so. I link, you decide.
– via Baseball Essential's Jeff J. Snider, yet another reminder that minor-league baseball players are routinely underpaid and generally underfed. My editorial comment (again): Consider how much money's in baseball these days, the current state of affairs is utterly inexcusable. Utterly.
– Okay, so you've probably already read half-a-dozen stories about the Cardinals and the Astros. But if you haven't read Tyler Kepner's take, elegant in its succinctness, you might want to read one more.
– Stephen Vogt, cult hero? Yeah! I didn't know, either. But if you're an A's fan, you know. And so, I guess, should the rest of us. Here's Jerry Crasnick with all the cultish details.
He's one of my favorite baseball people but (unless you're a longtime SABR member) you've probably never heard of him: Twins official scorer Stew Thornley. I have. But until reading Jim Souhan's columnar profile, I didn't know how interesting Stew is!