Soft mattress sidelines pitcher; won't be ready for Opening Day

Soft mattress sidelines pitcher; won't be ready for Opening Day

Published Feb. 24, 2014 12:51 p.m. ET

Spring training games haven't even started, but we've already had a couple of bizarre injuries.

Last week, it was Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder Travis Snider being sidelined after cutting his finger while slicing a sweet potato.

Today, we have Rangers pitcher Matt Harrison, who blames a soft mattress for his current back injury.


The left-hander, who underwent two back surgeries in 2013, was staying in a rental house this spring, but recently moved after sleeping on the shoddy mattress caused his back to stiffen.

Harrison says his back has improved since switching homes, but he still isn't expected to be ready for Opening Day because of the flare up.

(Hat Tip: Big League Stew)


