MLB's camo-style hats for Memorial Day could use some work

MLB's camo-style hats for Memorial Day could use some work

Published May. 9, 2014 1:00 p.m. ET

There are many worthwhile ways to honor the efforts put forth and sacrifices made by the generations of military veterans who've helped preserve our freedom, but (a) manufacturing an eyeball-searing camo-style cap and (b) forcing every ballplayer to adorn such a thing for one day (May 26) seems like a less than ideal marketing strategy.

The hats are not even camo in the historical sense. They're a hybrid kind of "digital camo" which I will liken to something spit out of an '80s-style dot-matrix printer and glued atop a piece of cardboard. I suppose they're meant to be cool and modern, but these hats are not good hats. Also, $38 a pop?!? These lids are headed straight for the bargain bin some time around May 27, methinks.


But hey, at least the Cleveland Indians' version doesn't have the Chief Wahoo logo and instead opts for the more traditional "C." If only MLB had put that kind of foresight into the entire product line.
