Jury convicts ex-Utah State football player of rape charges

Jury convicts ex-Utah State football player of rape charges

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 10:04 p.m. ET

BRIGHAM CITY, Utah (AP) — A jury Friday found a former Utah State University football player guilty of sexually assaulting six women while he was in college.

The jury convicted 25-year-old Torrey Green of five counts of rape, one charge of object rape, a count of forcible sexual abuse and one charge of misdemeanor sexual battery, the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News reported.

The jury had deliberated for about 16 hours over two days, the newspapers reported.

Green broke down in tears as the verdict was read. He was accused of sexually assaulting the women when he was a student from 2013 to 2015.


Deputy Cache County Attorney Spencer Walsh says the jury's verdict shows the women were believed.

"There were convictions for all six of these survivors," Deputy Cache County Attorney Spencer Walsh said after the verdicts were read. "We're very happy about that. They were believed."0

Prosecutor Spencer Walsh said during closing arguments Thursday in Brigham City that it's impossible that six women who don't know each other could come forward with similar accounts of alleged sexual assault by the 25-year-old Torrey Green.

Green's attorney Skye Lazaro countered that Green had consensual sex with four of the women and that two occurrences never happened. Lazaro told the jury that "hooking up" with women and having one-night stands isn't illegal.

The trial lasted nearly two weeks. Sentencing is scheduled for March 27.
