Forrest breaks down episode 7

Man this show gets my blood up with all this drama and fighting sh*t.
We see everybody wants to be Dana's fave--I don't blame them.
The we see all the dads on Father's Day and, ok, now I'm depressed for the dad's in the house. In four minutes this show has made me angry and sad--what kind of emotional roller coaster is this? Is all reality TV like this? I need a Valium just to watch this show, but then again, I always need a Valium.
Josh Hill hits pads but mostly we see his coach act as if every shot had Death Chee behind it. I guess the pad holder was doing that to instill confidence in Josh's striking ability???? Maybe? I don't think it's gonna turn him into a striker overnight.
We see Tate continue with the pranks because Ronda enjoyed the last one so much. Tate may have majored in Poor Judgment in college. I guess in Tate's defense she never got a reaction from the eyebrow-waxing coupon so she doesn't know how swimmingly it went over.
Cut to Dana stopping a bloodbath. As an audience, we really wanted to see how that was gonna go down but I guess we'd rather see the conclusion of the show and let the competitors fight.
And of course Dana missed one of the pictures and Anthony thought it would be a great idea to point it out to Edmond. Edmond disappears presumably to dig holes in the desert to fill later.
Meanwhile, back at the Rousey locker room, a discussion ensues on the nature of racism, it's etymology and how we can stop it. Ronda's team does not like lateral shrimping drills. If you're thinking of trying these drills, do them on a hard surface: it's much easier. Just kidding, it will kill your lower back.
It's only a two-round fight and these guys are young so the weight cut shouldn't matter too much. Cut to the fight going three rounds.
The start of the fight is exactly what Dana was hoping for: 90 seconds in and no punches landed.
The punch count in the first round was in the single digits. Dana may hate it because it's bad for ratings, but I don't mind, it's mixed martial arts and wrestling was the first...Well, I won't call it an art but you get the gist.
Oh the wrestling guy got really tired, not surprising and he also does not like to be on the bottom or getting hit.
I think we are going to a third and so does the ring card girl, so we must be. Josh the wrestler dude has spent a lot of energy. Dana reiterates how much he loves lay-and-pray wrestling. Josh was actually winning the third round until he misses a spinning elbow/back-fist thing and gets stuck on the bottom.
Tate hasn't figured out not to talk to Rousey yet but hey, it's only episode seven. I'm sure Tate can win Rousey over if she keeps the funny pranks up.
The fights are picked and wait, that one girl is like two of the other girl or something. I can't wait until next week's group therapy session where Tate and Rousey will finally work out there differences...Never mind that's called a fight.