Enough is Enough: Ending the Notre Dame Rules

Enough is enough. Monday night’s 42-14 humiliation of Notre Dame should be enough for an indictment, conviction and execution of the Notre Dame Rules. Specifically, the special treatment for “Non-Southern White America’s Team” should, and must, come to an abrupt end.
Football fans have wondered for years what would happen if an undefeated, independent Notre Dame squad made the title game against a strong team from a BCS conference. SEC supporters already knew that answer.
It’s time for the overlords of college football to take action. Most of America would have been more open to (shudder) an Ohio State appearance in the BCS Championship than have to watch the Irish get demolished. That’s saying something.
There is hope, however. The movement to restore sanity to the Notre Dame situation already started a couple of weeks ago, by closing the College Football Hall of Fame in South Bend. The new location? Atlanta, Georgia. Hopefully, while moving all that is good about the history and legacy of college football to its rightful home in the South, they’ll leave the Notre Dame Rules in its rightful home.