Dish Network Officially Adds SEC Network
Last night news officially broke that Dish Network had agreed to carry the SEC Network. Combined with the already announced deal with AT&T Uverse, the SEC is now assured that its network will be in twenty million households for the August 14th launch. (The SEC is also launching a week earlier than earlier announced to increase the pressure on DirecTV, Comcast, Time Warner, and other smaller cable and satellite providers). You'll recall that roughly ten days ago DirecTV made the mistake of emailing SEC fans that it would not be carrying the SEC Network and immediately felt their wrath on social media after Outkick published those emails.
The multi-year deal with Dish Network is big for the number of homes that will carry the network, but also for the tier on which the channel will be carried as part of the multi-year agreeement -- Dish Network's 120+ package nationwide. That's a level of nationwide distribution that neither the Pac 12 Network nor the Big Ten Network currently have. (Those networks are only available on the 200+ channel package nationwide). Being carried on the 120+ package goes a long way towards endorsing the SEC and ESPN's proposition that they see the SEC Network as a nationwide offering that should be available in 75 million homes, the same number of homes as ESPNU.
It also proves that Dish Network, the nation's third largest cable or satellite distributor after Comcast and DirecTV, believes the SEC Network will be much more in demand than the Big Ten or Pac 12's Network. In fact, Dish is so confident in the SEC's appeal that it plans to role out a specific marketing campaign encouraging SEC fans to switch cable or satellite providers to ensure they have the SEC Network by launch.
I could write more about the significance of the SEC's new distribution deal with Dish Network and how it demonstrates that this channel will be more valuable than either the Big Ten Network or the Pac 12 Network or I could just show you pictures of Johnny Manziel's latest lady friend holding a bazooka while wearing lingerie.
Which would y'all prefer today?
Thought so.
So here's Johnny Manziel's ladyfriend, Lauren Hanley, posing with a bazooka.
I feel quite confident that there's a subtle sexual allusion being made here that I can't quite nail down.
Let me just think a bit more about it.
While I keep thinking here's another picture. (This one would probably get Lauren elected President of Ukraine).
Oh, and for you perverts who are thinking, I'd love to see more pictures of Lauren Hanley holding a bazooka, there are eight more lingerie bazooka photos here at COED.
I'm sure none of you clicked.
Tying this all together, the SEC Network is basically the hot chick with the bazooka. Y'all cant resist the power of either. Neither can Comcast or DirecTV. Which is why they're going to crumble too.
And why Lauren is presently the odds on favorite to be the next president of Ukraine.