Comment Of The Day - Daniel Rivas is our hero!

Comment Of The Day - Daniel Rivas is our hero!

Published Jul. 3, 2013 9:34 a.m. ET

Earlier this week, Zac Jackson brought us one simple "no comment" from Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer, regarding the murder case against Aaron Hernandez. Frankly, Meyer shouldn't be speaking about Hernandez - it wouldn't make sense to speak about it at this point anyway.
All over the South, you can already hear the cries from Meyer-haters, desperate to find anything they can drum up against the former Florida Gators head coach.
Enter our reader, Daniel Rivas. He shines a light that needs to be bright. Let's let his words speak for themselves;

I back Meyer on this. As we Huskers fans well remember, you can't save every kid who comes through, no matter how hard you try. It doesn't help Meyer or his troubled former player to say anything right now.

Thank you!
That is all.
