Browns advise fans to be ready for cold weather

Browns advise fans to be ready for cold weather

Published Nov. 20, 2013 3:09 p.m. ET

With forecasts predicting frigid conditions Sunday when the Browns take on the Steelers at FirstEnergy Stadium, the Browns have sent out some information to help fans better prepare for a more comfortable afternoon.

The team advises that fans:

Dress warmly in anticipation of cold conditions (layers!).

Under the NFL bag policy, fans are allowed to bring blankets to the game by draping them over their shoulders while entering the stadium. This will help expedite ingress and lessen lines at stadium gates.

Approach stadium gates by 12:15 p.m. to help ensure entry by kickoff. Proper screening processes may take additional time due to the climate.

In the event lines build at the south gates, fans should consider using the north gates, which may allow for quicker entry.