Badgers-Iowa Off-Beat Preview: Let's go win that weird trophy

If you are looking for hard-hitting analysis, yeah, this ain't it. But if you want a fun, entertaining read, you've found the right place. For more of Brandon Rifkin, please head to his blog or follow him on Twitter.
It’s frustrating. Even though Ohio State is a better team and we all properly calibrated our expectations for the year, it was still maddeningly frustrating to let that game slip away. And that’s really the only way to feel about it: we had those guys. We played our game and fed off the crowd and we had them. But obviously we couldn’t hold on, and instead of celebrating another top-10 win and most likely putting UW in the top 5 (!!!), we had to watch those bastards celebrate on our turf. THAT WAS OUR TURF FOR PARTYING.
It’s alright, though. We move on. The Big Ten West is still ours for the taking, and that means we’d get another shot at either Michigan or Ohio State. We showed we can hang with them, and I think everyone involved wants another chance to show we can BEAT them.
First, though, it’s off to Iowa to set up some Hawkeye tear irrigation. Feed the cranberries of Wisconsin with Iowa tears and we’ll have a harvest you’ll be telling your grandchildren about. I just drank this latte way too quickly.
Now let’s go win that weird trophy that has like a bull or some other completely random animal on top of it.
PS – Only silver lining is Urban Meyer getting a penalty for getting hit in the head:
Hey Urban, your faced called, it said look out idiot.
2) Michigan, 6-0 (3-0). Yeah I’m ready to puke when the buildup to the Michigan/OSU game begins. Every cliché the world has ever known will be used in a never-ending run of ABC promos. VOM.COM
3) Wisconsin, 4-2 (1-2). Whatever. Still in the driver’s seat. I think. I’m not doing a second of schedule analysis today. If we beat all these idiots I’m hopeful something cool will happen, like a trip to Indy.
Okay, so I think Nebraska has to lose somewhere else. They will. Book it.
4) Nebraska, 6-0 (3-0). STOP PRETENDING TO BE ELITE. YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOOD. Ain’t fooling me one bit.
5) Penn State, 4-2 (2-1). Quiet weekend for the #PaternoTruthers on their bye. Thank god.
6) Iowa, 5-2 (3-1). They gave up 35 points to Purdue, conservative estimate means Alex Hornibrook throws for 12 touchdowns on Saturday.
7) Maryland, 4-2 (1-2). Bundled by Minnesota at home, that’s GOTTA hurt.
8) Indiana, 3-3 (1-2). I think IU’s new thing is having chance after chance to upset good teams but doing a bunch of boner mistakes to cough away its chances. I never actually watch these games, but see enough "omg Indiana what are you doing" tweets to know that this theory is airtight and indefeatable. That is a new word I have constructed that means there’s no way you can defeat my theory regardless of facts or proof.
9) Purdue, 3-3 (1-2). LOL purdue forever and ever and ever
10) Minnesota, 4-2 (1-2). I refuse to move them up because I’m firm in my conviction that they’re hot trash! TRUST YOUR GUT
11) Northwestern, 3-3 (2-1). NOOOOOO, we agreed last week you were not gonna finagle your way into a bowl game. You were supposed to be a colossal disappointment that had all the nerd alumni out there questioning whether Pat Fitzgerald was REALLY the answer at Northwestern. STOP IT
12) Illinois, 2-4 (1-2). My current best Halloween idea is to get a group of friends and go as the various Snapchat face filters. DIBS ON THE DAWG. #DAWGLIFE
PS – I’d love a group of girls to do this one just so they can all fight over the ones that give them perfect skin.
13) Michigan State, 2-4 (0-3). Shhhhh. Can you hear that? That’s the sound of a quality win evaporating into nothingness. No quality can be found in a win against this clowns.
14) Rutgers, 2-5 (0-4). DEFECT. LEAVE. GO.
At least we covered
This week we gon’ win outright
I think these guys suck
I liked what I saw out of #HornDawg. And we proved that we can throw backup walk-on linebackers out there and have them dominate. Biegel is back this week? That's great, but the defense will give Iowa fits, nay, NIGHTMARES all day regardless if he played or not. 11 a.m. game, Cubs game 6 at night, pace yourselves, hold on to your butts, and if UW and the Cubs win grab someone else’s butt and tell them it’s a nice butt. THE PICK:
WISCONSIN 34, Iowa 10