Losing the faith: Missy Franklin's no longer a Belieber

Losing the faith: Missy Franklin's no longer a Belieber

Published Aug. 5, 2014 6:58 p.m. ET

When super swimmer Missy Franklin took the world by storm during the London Summer Olympics in 2012, she was a 17-year old high school upstart who lip-synced with abandon to Carly Rae Jepsen and gushed to media about how much she loved Justin Bieber. 

After winning one of her four gold medals at the 2012 Summer Games, the Biebs returned the favor by sending her this tweet: 

And then the devoted and the devotee met in person the following January, inspiring thousands of fawning emojis: 


But people grow up and go their separate ways. Sometimes they lose faith. Franklin's now going into her second year at UC Berkeley, acing her classes and prepping for the U.S. national swimming championships in Irvine, California.

Bieber, on the other hand, has been charged for throwing eggs at a neighbor's house and was arrested on suspicion of DUI and driving with an expired license. 

Understandably, the 19-year-old has chosen to distance herself from the pop star and renounce her Belieber status. 

"I don't agree with all of his life decisions lately, so I've moved on a little from that," Franklin said during a nationals press conference on Tuesday. 

It's not you, it's ... well, maybe it is you. 

