Jamaica's bobsled team now has a theme song

Jamaica's bobsled team now has a theme song

Published Feb. 16, 2014 6:28 a.m. ET

SOCHI, Russia (AP) Jamaican bobsled fans have a new tune for their country's improbable run Sunday night.

The country's main tourism agency is touting ''The Bobsled Song,'' a tune designed to sync with the two-man run of Marvin Dixon and Winston Watts.

The lyrics and ''It's bobsled time'' chorus follow the course of the 1,500-meter (4,921-foot) track with its 17 turns and vertical drop of 125.5 meters (410 feet).


During the last part of the course, the group sings: ''Last turn, keep your head down/I see the finish line/Jamaica rock the whole town.''

You can watch the video for the song in all its 8-bit animated glory below:

Jamaica, a tropical island nation, qualified for the two-man bobsled competition for the first time since 2002, making it without racing in any World Cup events but accumulating enough points in lower-tier races in North America.

The Jamaicans are considered a long shot to win a medal.

Jamaica's run to the Calgary Games in 1988 was depicted in the film ''Cool Runnings.''
