NASCAR Hall Of Fame Looted Overnight In Charlotte

The peaceful protests in Charlotte turned violent and destructive overnight Wednesday and the result was several Charlotte businesses, including the NASCAR Hall of Fame being looted and vandalized.
The NASCAR Hall of Fame is the $195 million home to 35 NASCAR Hall of Famers and a ton of NASCAR memorabilia. Late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning the NASCAR Hall of Fame (along with several other businesses in NASCAR plaza including Buffalo Wild Wings and hotels) was vandalized and looted.
no lie
— Katie Peralta (@katieperalta) September 22, 2016
The violence comes on the heels of the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott who was killed by Charlotte police officers on Tuesday. It’s alleged that Scott was shot after he was reaching into his vehicle for what police claim to be was a gun, that story is being refuted by the family who claims he was reaching for a book. There are also reports circulating that the window he was reaching for was closed.
There is apparently a video of the incident that has not yet been released. Those who were protesting last night in Charlotte are also demanding that the video be made available for the public.
Wednesday night marked the second consecutive night of protests in Charlotte which has declared a state of emergency. Thursday morning will see several businesses in Charlotte closed for the safety of their employees.
hearing that Bank of America employees uptown are being told to stay home on Thursday … anyone else? #CharlotteProtests
— Katie Peralta (@katieperalta) September 22, 2016
According to Twitter reports, Wednesday night started as a peaceful protest until the tear gas starting being dispersed. That tear gas sent the peaceful protestors on their way and left the police to deal with the rioters which only grew in numbers as the night wore on.
At the time of this writing NASCAR has yet to release a statement about the damage to the Hall of Fame or the events that transpired overnight in Charlotte.
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