Residents near Speedway says concert prohibited by agreement

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) Several people who live near the New Hampshire Motor Speedway have gone to court to block a proposed three-day country music festival planned for next year.
The neighbors cite a 1989 agreement that prohibits the Loudon track from hosting concerts that aren't tied to racing events.
Officials in Loudon granted permission for the one-time concert, followed by a review of the event, including noise levels.
The plans were discussed and approved after the state learned it was losing the September top-tier NASCAR race to Las Vegas.
Jim Snyder, whose farm is near the Speedway, said in a news release in exchange for provisions that limited noise and controlled traffic, neighbors agreed to drop opposition to the Speedway's expansion plans back in 1989.
Speedway General Manager David McGrath said the organization was reviewing the petition.