Spieth on Larry David's bald talk: Yeah, that was pretty funny

Anyone who has taken a look at Jordan Spieth sans the trademark cap he wears on the course is aware of one undeniable fact: The 22-year-old, two-time major champion is dealing with early-onset male pattern baldness. Worse yet, according to funnyman Larry David, Spieth may only have a few short years left before he’s “wildly bald.”
“He’s going to be a bald man,” David told Golf Digest. “He’s going to be wildly bald. This makes him way more appealing to me. It’s one thing to handle the pressure of the back nine at Augusta; let’s see how he does when he sees all that hair in the tub. That’s pressure. I’ll be watching him very carefully. He’s 22. He’s got three years, maybe four. He’s done.”
Spieth obviously realizes the sad truth as well as anyone and even appears at ease with his upcoming entry into the chrome dome community. Asked about David’s observations Tuesday ahead of the BMW Championship, Spieth acknowledged to ESPN the comedian is correct in his assertion but nevertheless said it was humorous nevertheless.
“Yeah, that was pretty funny,” he said. “Hey, nothing I can do about it.”
Acceptance is one of the final steps in the grieving process -- meaning he’s progressed through the denial, anger, bargaining and depression stages -- so it’s clear Spieth is well on his way to coming to terms with the fact that he very likely could be fully bald before he even reaches the ripe old age of … 25?
[H/T Devil Ball Golf]
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