WWE 205 Live: 3 Potential Stars of the Show

WWE 205 Live is set to start this Tuesday, with the Cruiserweight Division thrust into the limelight. We look at three men who should be the stars of the show.
If we were being critical, it could be said that the WWE Cruiserweight Division hasn’t caught light the way that WWE had hoped. With the Cruiserweight Classic being a pretty big success, it was thought that if the stars of that show were put over the way they were during the tournament then WWE would have some of the best stars in the world thrust onto Monday Night Raw.
Then we were hit with only one real storyline, that of TJ Perkins vs Brian Kendrick, and the rest of the men in the division seemingly only thrown into six-man tag matches. We were hit with no real reason to care about anyone in the division. We were struck by a lack of real interest from fans in the crowd on Raw every week. The majority of the criticism should be leveled at the feet of WWE, in fact, all of it should be.
In 2016 Cruiserweight wrestling isn’t just pigeon holed into the high flying, masked man style that many WWE fans may have expected. It’s become apparent that WWE wants them to just be the same as the bigger men on the card, only with some purple ropes thrown into the mix.
Then we had the announcement that “205 Live” would be coming to the WWE Network, starting on November 29, right after SmackDown. That escalated to seeing Cruiserweight Champion Kendrick (representing Raw) going against the returning Kalisto (representing SmackDown) at Survivor Series. The added stipulation being that if Kalisto won he’d win the belt and the entire Cruiserweight Division would transfer to SmackDown.
Many thought that there were only one outcome, a Kalisto win and the whole division moving to tie in with 205 Live. During that match Baron Corbin got involved (yawn) and took out Kalisto, setting up the continuation of their previous feud, and making a mockery of the whole Cruiserweight Division.
The only hope right now is that 205 Live can be a massive shot in the arm for the division, and WWE allows the men involved to become the big stars that many fans know they can be. Follow along with us as we present you three men who should be pushed as the big stars on 205 Live, and the future of WWE as a whole.
Credit WWE.com
3. Jack Gallagher
Way back in early September, Jack Gallagher was announced as a man who would be part of the Cruiserweight Division. Since then he’s not been seen on WWE tv, but that doesn’t mean he’s not set to be a massive part of the division going forward. 205 Live could be the perfect opportunity to introduce the WWE Universe to “The Extraordinary Gentleman” properly.
Gallagher has become a massive hit on the indy circuit around the world, whilst becoming one of the best exponents of the catch wrestling style in the entire world. Gallagher is, without a doubt, your new favorite wrestler (thank me later).
Gallagher was one of the men that many may have expected to be making up the numbers as part of the CWC. Then he stepped into the ring in his first round match against Fabian Aichner, and the world fell in love with him. Gallagher takes the submission skills of Kurt Angle, the comic timing and character of William Regal and the MMA styling of Ken Shamrock and rolls them into a somewhat perfect example of a modern professional wrestler.
Given the stage of 205 Live, Gallagher could very easily become the number one babyface on the show. Let’s just hope that because he looks like he could be a member of The Vaudevillians, he doesn’t get forgotten about the way they have.
Credit WWE.com
2. Akira Tozawa
Another man who starred as part of the CWC, Akira Tozawa heads for 205 Live with high hopes from fans who have seen his worldwide exploits in the last decade or so.
In the world of Japanese wrestling, where “Strong Style” may be the most noticeable traits of many stars, Tozawa is a totally different prospect. As we saw in the CWC he throws some of the craziest looking suplexes you’ll ever have seen. Add to that some of the most brutal looking striking and charisma by the bucket load, how can Tozawa not be a mega star in WWE?
Tozawa has torn it up in the ring with everyone from Kevin Owens and Chris Hero to Zack Sabre Jr and “El Generico” Sami Zayn. He’s proved he has more of a character than many of his peers, with some of the best promos and match buildup videos of the last few years in the entire world. Just typing his name into YouTube will bring up so much quality action you’ll be stuck in a loop for hours.
WWE may not have the greatest record with Japanese wrestlers in the past. The rise of men like Hideo Itami and Shinsuke Nakamura should tell you that men from the Far East are now treated with the respect and reverence that they deserve. Akira Tozawa is coming, are you ready?
1. Noam Dar
Noam Dar made his Raw/Cruiserweight Division debut a few weeks ago in his native Scotland, and got one of the biggest pops you’ll hear all year. Not surprising when he was in front of his, almost hometown, crowd. 2017 could be the year when he gets that reaction in every arena he walks into.
Dar may have been the youngest guy to take part in the CWC, but he left a great impression and may be the sleeper amongst all the men in the Cruiserweight Division right now. His brand of striking, submissions and high flying stand him apart from many of his peers, and make him the perfect package in a modern WWE Cruiserweight Division.
Already we’ve seen him have his issues with (current) Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick, perhaps a title shot is in his near future, or a big feud with the former champ if he loses his belt sometime soon. The veteran Kendrick could be a fantastic opponent to face Dar and get the young man over with the WWE crowd.
Dar can be a mega star for WWE. If the company wants a young British guy to nail their colors too, then Noam Dar can be that man.
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