After four months of waiting, WWE's Emmalina makes bizarre debut on Raw

WWE star Emma suffered a back injury and was forced to undergo surgery last May, and back in October WWE teased her return as an entirely new character. Instead of the "Evil Emma" heel character that was starting to gain momentum on the main roster, Emma would strangely be transformed into something that resembled a mid-2000's-style "diva" named Emmalina.
For months, WWE ran short video clips showing Emmalina vacationing at resorts all over the world, and promised that she would be debuting "soon."
Her return was continually delayed, however, turning the segments into a bit of a running joke. On Monday night in Las Vegas, Emmalina finally made her entrance - only to announce that fans would "now see the makeover from Emmalina to Emma."
Bayley and Charlotte have a Raw Women's Championship match later in the show, which could be a perfect opportunity for Emma to revert back to her old character and interfere in the match.
Fans were understandably mystified.
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