Year old 'Simpsons' episode foreshadows current FIFA scandal

Year old 'Simpsons' episode foreshadows current FIFA scandal

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 5:28 p.m. ET

Beware of the ides of March.

A little over a year ago, in the month of March, The Simpsons aired the episode "You Don't Have to Live like a Referee" that seems to turn Homer Simpson the Safety Inspector of a Nuclear Power Plant, to Homer Simpson the soothsayer.

The episode poked fun at the ongoing bribery scandals that seemed to revolve FIFA wherever it reached, but that no one was able to directly associate with one another.

In a scene, Homer Simpson is visited by executive vice president of the World Football Federation. The vice president tells Homer that "the rot" is everywhere, referring to the bribery scandals. In the middle of the discussion the vice president himself gets arrested. For what? Corruption; pretty prophetic stuff.


Here is the short clip:

The handcuffed Vice President is right, soccer needs a symbol of integrity. Hopefully the recent arrest of high-ranking officials involved in heinous corruption schemes is the beginning of a new way of doings things in FIFA. Hey, it does not hurt to hope.
