Upton Park ban for vuvuzelas

The regulations already prohibit the use of musical instruments at Upton Park. The plastic trumpets, which proved hugely controversial at this summer's World Cup, have already been banned by Tottenham and Arsenal as well as by a number of Football League clubs. And they will not be present at Upton Park, either. A West Ham club statement said: "Under the current health and safety regulations at the stadium, which already disallows musical bands, we would not allow them (vuvuzelas) into the stadium as they could be considered a weapon and could also be considered to be an annoyance to others. "The health and safety regulation that all of this comes under is already in place. "The club wish at all times to ensure that all supporters are allowed to enjoy the game they are watching and prides itself on the passionate, loud and robust support from our fans at all matches at Upton Park."