Porto players investigated over fight

A post-match incident involving Givanildo "Hulk" Vieira and Ionut
Sapunaru may lead to sanctions for up to five Porto players.
The players are being investigated for their role in a fight
in the players' tunnel after Porto's 1-0 defeat at Benfica on Dec.
20 which resulted in a security guard being hospitalized with a
head injury.
Hulk and Sapunaru had been expelled by referee Lucilio
Baptista. They both now face disciplinary action.
Hulk's agent, Teodoro Fonseca, told reporters the Brazilian
"had been provoked from beginning to end" during the match.
Security video footage showing teammates Jorge Fucile, Cristian
Rodriguez and Helton could see those three also facing similar
Calls to Porto and the Portuguese Federation went unanswered.