Pienaar allays World Cup fears

Pienaar allays World Cup fears

Published Jan. 11, 2010 1:10 a.m. ET

Everton's Steven Pienaar has sought to allay fears over the World Cup finals later this year following the gun attack on the Togo squad.

The Togolese have pulled out of the African Cup of Nations in Angola - although they may yet return at a later date - after Friday's attack on the team bus left three dead.

But Everton midfielder Pienaar said the attack will not have any impact on the World Cup finals taking place this summer in his South African homeland.

The 27-year-old said: "It will definitely not have any impact on the World Cup. "It is something that's happened but South Africa and Angola are two different worlds apart.

"I understand how people might be worried. They have seen what has happened and think it might happen in South Africa. But it's two different worlds. This would not happen in South Africa."

Pienaar agrees with Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger that cancelling the African Cup of Nations tournament would be seen as a victory for terrorists. He said: "It's a disgrace to the continent and a shame for the people involved. You just can't do that. Football is supposed to bring the continent together.

"People love the game in Africa, they live for football. An incident like this is disappointing but I think the tournament should go ahead." He added: "I know this area quite well. Angola is a country which has been dismantled through civil war over the years.

"I don't think anyone was surprised to hear they were holding games in Cabinda. If a country is chosen to host the African Nations Cup it is an honour and everyone was looking forward to it."
