Low set for long-term role no matter what happens at World Cup

Germany might be overwhelming favorites to beat Algeria, but even if things go wrong coach Joachim Low has been assured that he will remain in charge.
Low extended his contract prior to the World Cup until 2016 with no conditions attached.
After reaching the last four in three tournaments under his command expectation levels are high in Germany and anything less than that again will be deemed a failure.
"We still have the clear intention of carrying on with him," said the German Football Association (DFB) president Wolfgang Niersbach to Germany's Stern magazine.
"There are no clauses in his contract which state that it depends on certain results."
Nevertheless, few expect Germany to fall on Monday, while a quarter-final clash with France or Nigeria will also see them regarded as favorites.
"The way we have developed has been fantastic," said Niersbach. "Previously, we were getting recognition for our results while now we're getting a great degree of recognition for our style of play."