Lionel Messi's statue was cut in half the same day Ronaldo won FIFA Player of the Year

On the day Cristiano Ronaldo picked up his fourth FIFA Player of the Year award, Lionel Messi's statute in Buenos Aires was mutilated by vandals, cut in half with just the bottom left standing.
The statute, located on the banks of the Rio de la Plata in Buenos Aires, is part of a 'Glory Walkway' honoring Argentine sports stars.
The tribute to Messi was unveiled last year by city mayor Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, during the campaign to convince Messi to come back out of international retirement following the Copa America final defeat.
"The statue of Lionel Messi fell victim to an act of vandalism that left the footballer's sculpture without its top half," a statement from the Buenos Aires city government read. "The City Government is now working on its repair."
It's unknown who is responsible for the vandalization, or the motive behind it, but it's more than a little strange that it happened on the day of Ronaldo's latest personal triumph over Messi.
Maybe CR7's biggest fans live in Buenos Aires?