Is this the worst Panenka penalty attempt of all time?

There's no in-between for a Panenka penalty. Either it's great and you're a hero, or you fail, and your name is sullied forever, known always as the player with the hubris to attempt the extraordinary, but not the skill to pull it off.
The Panenka is wildly risky. First, you've got to mask your run-up so it seems you're going to strike it with the firmness of a typical penalty. You've got to send the goalkeeper the wrong way, and chip it just right, so it doesn't trickle into the goal, but also doesn't go soaring over the crossbar. Or, God forbid, go wide. If it goes wide, then things have gotten very bad. Very very bad indeed.
In short, don't try a Panenka unless you're 100 percent certain you can pull it off. And if you're going to fail, at LEAST put it on goal. Don't be like Milos Adamovic.
Adamovic, a midfielder for Serbian SuperLiga team Radnik Surdulica, did a lot of things wrong here. Basically, everything wrong. The cockiness to attempt an alpha-level disrespectful move like pulling off a Panenka in a real live match must be accompanied with a certain panache -- a level of skill and execution that he simply did not bring to the table.
We'll give him some credit, he masked his run well, and he definitely sent the keeper the wrong way. But Milos. Buddy. The chip? That's the most important part. And, well. You saw what happened.
And the worst part? Radnik lost 2-1 to Napredak Krusevac on Sunday. That penalty might have helped out with that result. Really makes you think.
Probably don't ever try a Panenka again, Milos. It's better for all of us if you don't.