Football leaders OK minimum contract provisions

Football authorities across Europe signed a deal Thursday for minimum standards in player contracts that should specifically protect professional players in lesser leagues and minor clubs.
The FIFPro global union representing professional footballers agreed with UEFA, leagues and clubs on specific rules on salary, commercial rights, medical and disciplinary issues that should become standard under the new rules.
''It is a pleasure to have the European football family united around the same table, speaking with a united voice,'' UEFA President Michel Platini said.
The rules have been under discussion for years. Even if the top stars and the biggest leagues usually offer generous contracts, FIFPro found early this year that in eastern Europe up to 45 percent of contracts were not or badly respected.
Top players should barely notice the difference since they are represented by the best agents who can enforce ironclad contracts. But for everyday players getting mediocre pay in eastern Europe and elsewhere, the minimum standards should bring essential protection.
''In football there are players who earn a lot of money, like Ronaldo, Messi, Ribery,'' European Club Association Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said. ''But there are also many players in Europe who are facing difficulties.''
FIFPro has been targeting its efforts on getting a better deal for them.
Earlier this year, a wide-ranging FIFPro study showed that clubs from Greece to Russia show a ''terrifying lack of respect'' for the fundamental rights of professionals.
Beyond not being paid their salary on time, FIFPro also found that almost half of the players in eastern Europe did not get their bonuses on time.
Under the new system, contracts must be in writing and clearly address pay, health insurance, social security and paid leave. Players must commit to minimum standards on training participation, healthy lifestyle and disciplinary procedures.
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