Cristiano Ronaldo sings shirtless to ring in new year, because of course he does

No one in the world of soccer has had a better 2016 than Cristiano Ronaldo. He won both the Champions League and the European Championship, and they led to his Ballon d'Or and recognition as the world's best player.
No one could blame Ronaldo if he didn't want to see 2016 come to an end, but instead he's welcoming 2017 with a smile:
Yep, that's Ronaldo singing, "I wish you a merry Christmas, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year." And he's doing it shirtless, of course, because that's what we've all come to expect from Ronaldo. It needs to be said though: He isn't a bad singer. None of us are hoping he drops an album anytime soon, but he can carry a tune.
Also, side note: The whole "singing in the mirror after getting out of the shower" thing feels very "Home Alone" and we would definitely sign up for a remake starring Ronaldo. He did appear in a commercial that parodied the movie, but maybe he needs to do the full-length thing.
He goes on to finish the very-produced, very-polished social media video by wishing everyone a good 2017, saying, "I wish you all the best in the world in 2017! Happy New Year." If Ronaldo's 2017 is even just a bit as good as his 2016, he'll probably be having a happy new year, indeed.