Couple goes to court over Dortmund flag in garden

Couple goes to court over Dortmund flag in garden

Published Feb. 22, 2013 1:41 p.m. ET

A married couple in Germany is taking legal action because they say they are being disturbed by a Borussia Dortmund flag flying in a neighbor's garden.

Arnsberg administrative court spokesman Klaus Buter declined to name the couple, in line with German privacy regulations. He told The Associated Press on Friday that the case won't be heard for a few months, ''until summer at the earliest.''

The local Der Westen newspaper identified the couple as Jutta and Walter H. from the town of Hemer, about 26 kilometers (16 miles) southeast of Dortmund.

They said the sound of the black-and-yellow banner flapping prevents them from reading a book in peace.


''I couldn't care less what is hanging there, it's a nuisance,''Jutta H. told the newspaper.

Her husband said the complaint had nothing to do with the team. He said he is a Duisburg fan but said he hasn't been to a game since the late 1970s.

''This is only about the inconvenience,'' the 62-year-old man said.

Dortmund spokesman Sascha Fligge said the club stays out of disputes among neighbors.
