You won’t believe how Colin Kaepernick is spending his first offseason as a superstar QB

You won’t believe how Colin Kaepernick is spending his first offseason as a superstar QB

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 1:23 p.m. ET

Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick isn’t spending his offseason in front of a new Sony flatscreen playing Madden ’13. Nope. The young QB is on a mission to get kids moving and proved his commitment by appearing with first lady Michelle Obama and other notable guests at Nike’s big announcement. Kaepernick, who is known for mastering the pistol read-option offense, has partnered with Nike as they announced on Thursday that they intend to “invest $50 million in the U.S. to increase physical activity of kids in schools and communities.” Kaepernick and Obama strutted their stuff on stage and showed just how much fun it is to get up and shake it. To learn more about the event go to
