Westminster officials eject former champ Uno the beagle from the Garden

What happened at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Monday night displayed an appalling lack of respect for a former champion. The Associated Press compared it to Derek Jeter being thrown out of Yankee Stadium. Or how about this: Roger Federer getting escorted off the Wimbledon grounds. Or Tiger Woods barred from Augusta National.
Uno the beagle, the 2008 Best in Show champion at Westminster and described as one of the most popular dogs in the show's history, was back at the Garden to appear on CNBC's telecast. However, when Uno began barking, officials flagged him as an "undocumented dog," and security ejected him from the building.
Uno was removed as "any undocumented dog would've been," Westminster President Sean McCarthy said. NBC Sports called it "a misunderstanding."
How ignominious. This is a dog who was the first Westminster winner invited to the White House and who is described as a canine celebrity by his handler.
"He's America's dog," Tristan Huebner said. "Everyone loves him. He's an international celebrity. Everywhere we go, he's recognized."
Recognized, sure. But undocumented.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.