Week 12 Sunday Morning Chat
Nov. 22, 2014 3:54 p.m. ET


Throughout the 2014 NFL season, the FOXSports.com Fantasy team will be hosting multiple chats throughout the week to get you ready for your Fantasy Football matchups. Tuesday discussions will be run by Joel Beall at 3 PM EST, John Halpin will helm Thursday chats at 2 PM EST, the entire writing staff will be on hand Sunday mornings from 10 AM to kickoff for last minute preparations for your fantasy rosters, and Ryan Fowler will tie a bow on the week that was and look ahead to next week's fantasy matchups during Monday night's contest.
Can't wait for the chat? Follow us on Twitter and fire away!
@FOXSportsFowler | @JoelMBeall | @FOXSportsMeyer | @jhalpin37