Watch Brandon Jacobs blow things up in a low-budget action movie
Aug. 1, 2014 10:32 a.m. ET

Brett Smiley
Former Giants running back Brandon Jacobs will make his movie debut [NSFW LANGUAGE IN THE VIDEO ABOVE] in the feature-length action flick "The Grievance Group" about a showdown between a militant army and an overreaching government.
The 264-pound bruiser (playing weight) is Willow, the leader of a militant army protecting his community. The overall production quality leaves a bit to be desired; I'll give it about a 3 on a scale from 1 to Michael Bay.
Anyhow, Jacobs has a long way to go before becoming the next NFL-turned-actor like Terry Crews or Carl Weathers, but he's got the maniacal laugh down.
In all likelihood, this will remain Jacobs' greatest action film: