Watch Billy Hamilton make another great catch

Watch Billy Hamilton make another great catch

Published Sep. 24, 2014 9:03 p.m. ET

Billy Hamilton was known as an offensive weapon because of his base-stealing ability in the minor leagues, but the speedy Reds rookie has made a big impact defensively in his first season in the big leagues.

The latest example came Wednesday night when he ranged far to his right and leapt at the fence to snag a ball off the bat of Ryan Braun in the top of the third inning in Cincinnati.


It was yet another highlight-reel catch for Hamilton, but it might have come at a cost. He batted in the bottom of the inning, lining out to second base, but was replaced in center field in the top of the fifth by Chris Heisey.

The Reds announced later Hamilton left the game with a mild concussion.
