Was that Lloyd and Harry at the Target Center?

MINNEAPOLIS — For several years now, the Target Center hasn't exactly been the place to see and be seen. After all, the Minnesota Timberwolves have had the Western Conference's worst record for two years running.
But with Kevin Love and Ricky Rubio leading the team to an exciting — if not yet victory-filled — start, Wolves fans only need a little encouragement to get behind their team.
And that's where Lloyd and Harry come in. If you tell Wolves fans they have a chance — and that's exactly the message the Wolves have been sending on the court this season — apparently two guys dressed as Jim Carrey's and Jeff Daniels' characters in "Dumb & Dumber" are going to show up courtside along with the other 17,000-plus fans the team is averaging per game.
At least that was the case Sunday, when (check out the photos) when the D&D lookalikes cheered the Wolves to a 99-82 victory over the defending-champion Dallas Mavericks.
The Wolves are only 2-4, but none of their losses has been by more than four points, and they've played five playoffs teams from last season in their first six games. With Rubio flinging passes every which way and Love averaging more than 25 points a game, the team's attendance is up almost 2,000 fans from last season and is at its highest since 2004-05.