Warner feels Cardinals' pain

By Craig Morgan
I talked to Kurt Warner this week, so before I go any further, let me get this out of the way:
Warner is not coming back to play for the Cardinals or any other NFL team.
He likes his version of retirement, whether it means dancing with Russian beauties, selling his life story to Hollywood, creating new iPhone apps, finding new ways for his First Things First Foundation to impact the international community or enjoying time with his wife, Brenda, and their seven kids.
"I'm not missing football at all," said Warner, who was in the FOXSports broadcast booth for NFL games this season. "I'm probably busier now than when I was playing."
But Warner isn't busy enough to avoid the pangs of guilt associated with watching his former team bungle its way to a 4-10 record.
"There have been times this season where I've felt responsible for this team's struggles, knowing I could bring something to the table, but I don't feel enough of a responsibility that I blame myself," he said. "I just wish there was a way I could help them out without sacrificing everything I had to the last couple years."
He did help them out