Von Miller guarantees Super Bowl win ... fair or foul?

It's only March and the Broncos star linebacker already knows how next season will end.
You can post this where ever.. Denver broncos will win the Super Bowl 2013 #4UJEREMIAH #IGUARANTEEIT58 if you are with us Retweet — Von Miller (@MillerLite40) March 5, 2013
Now, it would be easy to dogpile on this guy and say, "What a chump! Being a world champion takes hard work! Dedication! A commitment to a team concept! Even some luck! Real men know that life doesn't guarantee anything!" Well, we here at Laces Out say blah, blah, blah. What do you expect a confident young man to say? Every NFL player (except those in Buffalo) goes into a new season with an expectation to win it all. After all, what other reason is there for playing (besides money, fame, women, etc.)? What's more, the Broncos ARE a legitimate threat to win it all and will arguably be the favorite to come out of the AFC in 2013. Plus, this Miller kid is a good egg. He announced he will be dedicating this coming season to his young cousin, who recently emerged from a coma after serious accident in Texas. ''I've always wanted to win, I've always been motivated but when you're doing something for somebody else, it adds a little bit extra motivation. And I guarantee that we will win the Super Bowl in 2013,'' Miller told the Associated Press. Well, we're convinced. Shouldn't you?