Von Miller guarantees Super Bowl win ... fair or foul?

Von Miller guarantees Super Bowl win ... fair or foul?

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 9:41 p.m. ET

It's only March and the Broncos star linebacker already knows how next season will end.

  Now, it would be easy to dogpile on this guy and say, "What a chump! Being a world champion takes hard work! Dedication! A commitment to a team concept! Even some luck! Real men know that life doesn't guarantee anything!" Well, we here at Laces Out say blah, blah, blah. What do you expect a confident young man to say? Every NFL player (except those in Buffalo) goes into a new season with an expectation  to win it all. After all, what other reason is there for playing (besides money, fame, women, etc.)? What's more, the Broncos ARE a legitimate threat to win it all and will arguably be the favorite to come out of the AFC in 2013. Plus, this Miller kid is a good egg. He announced he will be dedicating this coming season to his young cousin, who recently emerged from a coma after serious accident in Texas. ''I've always wanted to win, I've always been motivated but when you're doing something for somebody else, it adds a little bit extra motivation. And I guarantee that we will win the Super Bowl in 2013,'' Miller told the Associated Press. Well, we're convinced. Shouldn't you?
