Villanueva tweets: 'KG called me a cancer patient'

FOX Sports
Following the Pistons loss to the Celtics Tuesday night at The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit forward Charlie Villanueva took to his Twitter account and accused Boston's Kevin Garnett of calling him a "cancer patient."
"KG called me a cancer patient, I'm pissed because, u know how many people died from cancer, and he's tossing it like it's a joke," Villanueva tweeted.
He then followed up with, "I wouldn't even trip about that, but a cancer patient, I know way 2 many people who passed away from it, and I have a special place 4 those"
Villanueva has a medical condition called alopecia universalis, one of the side effects of which is an inability to grow hair. The condition is an autoimmune skin disease and is not otherwise life-threatening.
In the Pistons' loss, Villanueva led Detroit scorers with 17 points in 33 minutes of play. But the winless Pistons were never really in the game and Villaneuva and Garnett were both assessed technicals during a third-quarter verbal altercation.
But if Villanueva's Twitter account is to be believed, he wouldn't mind if his next run-in with Garnett was more physical.
"KG talks alot of crap, he's prob never been in a fight, I would love to get in a ring with him, I will expose him," read another tweet.
Nov. 2, 2010