Vice President Joe Biden on Deflategate: 'I like a softer ball'

Considering the origins of the -gate suffix to signal a scandalous event, it seems fitting that elected officials are now weighing in on the controversy.
One day after both President Obama delivered the State of the Union address and the revelation that 11 of 12 footballs used by the New England Patriots in Sunday's AFC championship game were under-inflated by 2 pounds each, Vice President Joe Biden appeared on "CBS This Morning" to discuss foreign policy, ISIS and some other issues unrelated to the inflatedness of footballs.
Here's what Biden had to say on Deflategate in response to a question from Gayle King:
As far as Biden's wide receiving chops, his football coach at Archmere Academy in Delaware, E. John Walsh, once offered this: “He was a skinny kid, but he was one of the best pass receivers I had in 16 years as a coach.”
Stay tuned for a congressional inquiry on the NFL's footballs and/or an executive order from President Obama.
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