Urban Meyer and the Buckeyes get surprise visit from Santa and his elves

When the Ohio State Buckeyes walked into practice on Sunday they had a big surprise waiting for them, it was Santa Claus and his elves!
A few of the strength and conditioning coaches thought it would be a good idea to send the Buckeyes off on their four-day holiday break with a little Christmas cheer.
Santa and his elves stopped by the facility early this morning pic.twitter.com/pcfvpMZPeM
— Urban Meyer (@OSUCoachMeyer) December 21, 2014
Santa and his elves stopped by this morning to greet the players before practice ? pic.twitter.com/91XvfCFUn0
— Mark Pantoni (@markpantoni) December 21, 2014
Celebrating Christmas at the Woody with the strength staff 6 am before practice! #thereisnoplacelikethisone #gobucks pic.twitter.com/7BF3coBB2D
— Kerry Coombs (@OsuCoachCoombs) December 21, 2014
It sure looks like the elves have some put on some muscle this offseason, and apparently some tattoos as well.
According to Cleveland.com, one of those elves is former linebacker Anthony Schlegel, and as one unlucky fan learned in September, that is one elf you don't want to make angry.
"He's an angry elf."
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