Urban Meyer addresses Aaron Hernandez situation

The arrest of former University of Florida and New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez has rippled out questions to many corners of the sports world.
Urban Meyer, who was the Gators coach during Hernandez's three years in Gainesville, Fla., is among those who have been thrust into the spotlight in the aftermath of the first-degree murder charges against Hernandez.
Meyer, who until recently had remained silent on the issue, spoke to The Columbus Dispatch on Saturday to give his thoughts on Hernandez's time at UF and the tragic turn of events in the past month.
In a Q&A, Meyer said his thoughts and prayers were with the friends and family of the victim, Odin Lloyd.
"You can set the table and try to help them, make sure there is a spiritual component in their life, make sure there is a family atmosphere," Meyer said of trying to help Hernandez at Florida.
Meyer also talked about how he invited Hernandez into his home at times, commented on the player's run-ins with the law in Gainesville, and what a coach's responsibility is to student-athletes in his care.
Read the whole interview here.